6 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Carob instead of chocolate

Nutritionist Patricia Kandıral expert, said in a statement, "Carob fiber contains 24 polyphenolic compounds are flavonoids and 26 percent of them. Flavonoids are plant-based compounds that exhibit strong antioxidant properties. Carob also contains significant amounts of antioxidant compounds that quercetin and myricetin in. 1 medium / large locust is about 31 calories.

Carob contains a chemical that tannins from gallic acid, analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, anti-viral, shows antioxidant and antiseptic properties. Gallic acid is effective in children for the prevention and treatment of polio. Carob regulate digestion and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Both the children and the locust is used to treat diarrhea in adults up to 15-20 grams. When a study conducted by high cholesterol levels insoluble carob fiber administered to individuals with total cholesterol of \% and LDL cholesterol of 18 \ 23% was observed to decrease. Be used by individuals with high blood pressure because it contains caffeine carob. Regular use of carob helps in preventing lung cancer. Vitamin E content cough, flu helps treat anemia and osteoklazi. Phosphorus and calcium enrichment due to osteoporosis (osteoporosis) fights.

As an alternative to dairy-free carob chocolate used against those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk. Oil according to the chocolate is less than the calories and caffeine, in this sense help weight loss. Carob is naturally sweet like chocolate does not contain any added sugar added. Carob obtained tragasol called gum-like substance bakery products from the seeds, ice cream, jellies, jams, salad dressings, cheese, canned meat, processed meat products such as salami, used as a stabilizer or thickener in mustard and other food products. Carob powder instead of cocoa powder or chocolate cake, used in cookies or candy. Hot drinks can be done using carob powder instead of coffee. Parts carob instead of chocolate chips can be used to make cookies or cake. "He said.

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